Monday, March 26, 2018

The Oppenheimer Report 3/26/18

Last weekend, I caught a little of the coverage from the anti-gun rally in the States, and I was encouraged. I was reminded of something songwriter Jon Brooks said recently. He said he’s lost faith in the adults, but the kids may save the world. I agree, and watching that rally last Saturday I was cautiously optimistic about the next generation. I listened to a lot of well-spoken, intelligent kids speak out against the NRA and gun violence. They are participating.

The other day I turned on the tube, and there was a story about how former VP Joe Biden had suggested that, if he were in high school, he would have taken a Donald Trump “out behind the gym” and beaten the crap out of him. It’s a strange turn of events when I’m rooting for Joe Biden. This of course prompted the cowardly and boastful Rump to counter with something like: “yeah, you just try!” That’s what I like to hear from my supposed leaders; childish schoolyard threats of violence. Perhaps they need to put  something in the food on Capital Hill to lower the testosterone levels. Then I began to think, hey, maybe we’re on to something here. Rump is always talking about his leadership and bravery. HE’D have gone into that school, unarmed, to take out the shooter, HE’S the tough guy who’s going to make America great again, blah, blah, blah.

What if we scheduled a televised, pay-per-view event: Rump Vs: Bannon? It would be The Battle of the Blowhards, The Rose Garden Rumble, The Cage Fight Clash of the Morons. For fifty bucks – and what American wouldn’t cough up $50 for this kind of entertainment – dress these two clowns up like sumo wrestlers (can you imagine!), slather some oil on them so they’re both slippery, and put them in a cage out in the Rose Garden for a no holds barred fight to unconsciousness. The last man standing wins. My money is on Bannon, but we all know Rump fights dirty, so it’s really anybody’s call. The catharsis alone would be healthy and, I predict that hundreds of millions worldwide would gladly pay for that kind of entertainment. Hell, we could probably put a little dent in the national debt selling tickets. Just brainstorming here.

A friend of mine put up a clip on Facebook the other day, and it had to do with the heroic actions of an old man who ran an orphanage in Nazi Germany during the holocaust. Although given the opportunity to escape, he remained with the 192 children in his care until they were all eventually exterminated at the Treblinka death camp. I know there are heroes in our world today, but I never hear about them. All I hear about are the fools and liars. Take Rump out of the equation, and like a toothache, or a hemorrhoid, the immediate discomfort will abate, but the underlying problem will persist. Why did such a large percentage of Americans believe that this bonehead would save the United States? We have a much bigger problem than Donald Trump, and it's aglobal epidemic. I was a spectator; I never saw this coming. Shame on me. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Final thoughts. Much has been made in the news about the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the shocking revelation that Facebook did not have our backs. Wake up and smell the coffee people! A nineteen-year-old in Markham Ontario successfully hacked into the Canada Revenue Agency a few years back. I gave up the illusion that my “information” was safe a long time ago. With cameras and computers everywhere, anyone could be listening in on our lives. Remember, this is the golden age of information ….  

Siri, what is my neighbor’s social insurance number?
- Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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