Monday, May 02, 2011

The Oppenheimer Report 5/2/11

I reluctantly watched some of the Royal Wedding for about two and a half minutes, over the last three days. There had been so much hype leading up to the actual wedding, that by the time the actual event took place, I couldn’t watch anymore. Shauna’s cousin woke up a whatever ungodly hour of the morning the wedding took place and watched the entire event, while drinking tea and eating scones. Holy Egg McMuffin Batman, give me a royal breakfast break! The night of the wedding, I was in Buffalo, over at my friend Bob’s watching TV, and we flipped accidentally to a channel covering the highlights of this magical, over-hyped affair. Bob and I had almost the exact same reaction: Here they come, blah blah blah, horse drawn carriage, Beefeaters, blah, blah, blah … wow, that Kate is HOT, blah blah blah, cool Aston Martin convertible, blah, blah,blah … OK, I’m bored, let’s flip back to the auto auction, I want to see what that Jaguar XK 120 went for. And scene. A friend sent me a YouTube video -- I think it was an ad for some wireless service -- and it was an entertaining spoof of the wedding, with a whole cast of Royal look-alikes, dancing to hip hop music. I thought it was pretty funny and infinitely more entertaining than the 2 ½ minutes I caught of the real deal.

Thank goodness President Obama produced a presumably valid birth certificate last week, because an indignant, potential-but-not-willing-to-commit-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was front and center in demanding Obama prove he was born in America. Thank goodness our Commander-in-Chief was able to respond to the oddly-coifed real estate mogul’s demands. We certainly don’t want to fire our elected president, two years into his first term, because he‘s an ILLEGAL ALIEN. That’s perhaps even worse than getting caught receiving a blowjob in the Oval Office. Obama’s birth certificate indicates he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and after President Obama produced it, Trump then had the audacity to question its authenticity. Trump was roasted at a White House dinner recently by SNL’s Seth Meyers, and rightly so. Trump was not amused. Rumor has it he can dish it out but he can't take it. What a hoser! He’ll probably pull a Ross Perot and cry “foul!”, but if he does deign to run, I’m guessing The Donald will provide us with hours of "Republican" entertainment. And wouldn't it be fitting if America had the opportunity to turn the tables and say to Trump ..."no, YOU'RE fired." Meanwhile, I think Obama has re-election in the bag, because apparently the Democrats just shot Bin Laden!

Ding dong Bin Bombin’s dead, the wicked terrorist is dead. It took ten long years, but they finally got that crazy S.O.B., and last night President Obama, looking very presidential (and American I might add), informed the world that, at his direction, the world’s #1 bad guy was taken out. And here I thought Obama was a wimp. Yee Haw, chalk one up for us cowboys. What I found a little unsettling were the comments by CNN’s Peter Bergen, who had once interviewed bin Laden and is apparently a terrorism expert. In an interview with Wolf Blitzhead, Bergen confidently stated that this will be “the death of al-Qaeda.” I wonder. As I watched all those jubilant people celebrating last night outside the White House, I wondered who could prevent a suicide bomber from infiltrating the crowd, and quickly taking the wind out of our sails. Yesterday, a twelve year old suicide bomber killed and injured a bunch of people in Afghanistan. I love how they recruit women and children. My fear is the direct result of what a couple of twisted radical Muslims did to all of us on 9/11. One down, how many tens of thousands to go? Thank goodness nothing bad happened last night. I hope that Bin Bombin’s seventy virgins are all pork-eating trolls with leprosy, but that said, I very much doubt his demise marks the end of radical Muslim terrorism in the world.

Finally, and because I find it interesting to look at these stats years later, once or twice a year I refer to the current financial benchmarks. As I write this, the Dow is at 12,854 and gold is hovering above $1500 per ounce. Most notable to me is the recent pronounced downfall in the value of the American greenback. There was a time not too many years ago when the U.S. dollar was worth as much as $1.40 against the Canadian dollar. Today, the greenback is about five cents under the Canadian “Loonie”. And, speaking of Canada, today Canadians go to the polls to decide who the next Prime Minister will be, for the fourth time in seven years. I’m a bit concerned. The Liberal Party was presumed to be the big threat to a Conservative government, but because their leader Michael Ignatieff is such a tool, Jack Layton of the New Democratic Party (i.e. the commies) is emerging as a dark horse, and appears to be gaining ground. Layton could end up being the spoiler for the Harper Conservative autocracy. If the NDP takes charge, say goodbye to any semblence of fiscal responsibility. The only good news for me if the NDP does win a majority, admittedly a long shot, that would likely devalue the Canadian loonie.

Good riddance to Bin Bombin’ … Momo, you’re next.

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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