Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Oppenheimer Report 5/18/20

High 5 from Sydney on Day 3

As I begin writing this report, Sydney, our 9 week-old Miniature Schnauzer is currently out cold on her Granny Ethel “ET” Taylor’s chest. She is named in honour of Shauna’s late dad and ET’s husband, Dr. Sydney Taylor, and her official name is Dogter Sydney Taylor. Her namesake loved the breed and took wonderful care of his dogs. After a two month stay with us, today ET is returning to her home in Toronto to resume whatever sense of normalcy one can imagine in this much-changed world. While she does have a wonderful caregiver, she has remained, much to the consternation of her over-protective children, remarkably independent.

The journey to our new pup Sydney has been a long and crooked one. We lost Jasper a little over a year ago. For all of us to whom pets are family, you know that there is grief involved. I’ve spoken with so many people in the last year who have lost a pet, and their common advice was always “Oh, you’ve GOT to get another dog, and do it soon.” When a little time had passed we contacted Jasper’s breeder, who is one of the best in North America, because we wanted the best chance of acquiring and raising another healthy dog. The Taylor family had once had a horrible experience with a pup from an irresponsible breeder, and that dog had a constellation of health problems. Jasper was a healthy dog and lived a good, long life, and we wanted another dog like her. By the way, we went through a comprehensive interview with Jasper’s breeder before she would accept US.
Regrettably, we were not able to acquire another pup from the same breeder, but it was a year of hoping we would. First, we had to wait for one of her bitches to go into heat. Then, when that happened and she was inseminated, the pregnancy did not take. The next possible window of opportunity was months later, and when the insemination was to take place, there was a terrible snowstorm which prevented the two parties from getting together. Our final hope was for a pairing with one of her males and a champion bitch, but when that mating was to occur, there was another complication.

Shortly before we got the news about the last failed pairing a strange thing happened. A Canada goose landed on Jasper’s grave, which is overlooking the lake in front of our house. It stood there for the longest time without moving, then flew away. Shauna took it as a sign, and called the breeder, hoping for good news. When it became apparent that another pup was not in the cards, and that we had now waited just over a year, the breeder put us in touch with one of her respected colleagues, a woman in Ontario whom she trusted to be a responsible breeder. In a Serendipitous turn of events, we were just in time to acquire one of the three pups from her latest litter. The pup had been spoken for, but the buyer turned out to be unacceptable, and the breeder had just returned the deposit. Had we not called when we did, that pup would have been sold to another acceptable owner within an hour. 
5/19/20 - We posted a short video of Sydney last night on Facebook and I think it made a lot of people smile. I think we could all use a little good news. I don’t usually believe in signs, but perhaps that Canada goose knew something we didn’t know. 

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer ©2020 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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