Monday, August 07, 2017

The Oppenheimer Report 8/7/17

A brief update on Shauna’s latest medical woes. Since about July 5th she has been experiencing eye problems which were later diagnosed as iritis, or an inflammation of the iris. We were told this could likely be a result of her Crohn’s Disease, and we were given a treatment regimen of three different eye medications. After two weeks, it seemed to be improving, and the optometrist thought we could lower the frequency of the drops. During her most recent eye appointment, the optometrist suggested we needed to once again increase the drops and that we should see an ophthalmologist to get a better read on the situation. That was last Wednesday, and things went downhill from there. We were scheduled to see Shauna’s ophthalmologist this week, but as of late Friday, the vision in her left eye began to deteriorate rapidly, just as everybody was leaving for the start of a long weekend. Shauna described it as if grey spray paint was closing off her peripheral vision, gradually creeping in towards the center of her vision. We ended up in emergency in Huntsville hospital where we remained until around 3 a.m., after which we were scheduled for an appointment with the on-call ophthalmologist in Barrie for 4 p.m. of that same day (Sunday). We drove the hour and a half down to Barrie to be given about 7 minutes of time with an obviously overworked (but competent Shauna thought) ophthalmologist. After his examination, he determined that Shauna has an inflamed optic nerve, cause unknown. This is potentially very serious, difficult-to-treat condition, and can lead to permanent blindness. Presently she is legally blind in her left eye, is taking drops on the hour again, and we are in limbo and uncertain about the future until we she her ophthalmologist in Toronto on Wednesday. All in all, not a wonderful weekend.

I take my vision for granted, as I do most of my other faculties. I started to think about what would change in my life if I lost my sight. I am a caregiver for my wife, living in a somewhat remote location, with no kids and no one else to rely upon. I have become reliant on my ability to drive. They say life is what happens to us when we are making other plans. 

Life is happening right now. The Oppenheimer Report may be going into reruns for a few weeks, but after 25 years, the show will likely go on.

     - Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Unknown said...

What a difficult pile of squat like can throw at us! I wish you both well in this very difficult period. If karma counts you both should be fine! My love, hope and prayers are with you both. kj

Unknown said...

JAMIE, I have very bad Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, I bought a Kangen water machine and my symptoms are very manageable today. I bought my machine from Sey. High acid causes so much distress. You can try the water from those around you who may have one, contact Sey or me for more info. Even in Switzerland I have a machine and it saved my life and a lot of dry cleaning bills. I had profuse bleeding which I have not had since I started my water regime. Wishing for the Best.

Katrina said...

My thoughts & prayers are with both you & your beautiful wife, Jamie. I hope to hear good news soon! Your love will get you through these trials ❤️

Suzy said...

Prayers and positive energy lifted for the best possible outcome!