Monday, December 03, 2012

The Oppenheimer Report 12/3/12

They say when it rains it pours, and that certainly was the case Saturday night. Shauna is very sick right now, suffering from an abscessed wisdom tooth which has become a serious infection. For any of you out there who have experienced this kind of dental pain, you know it can be excruciating. She is presently on an antibiotic and hopefully, when the infection abates, we will see an oral surgeon next week to have the tooth extracted.

When we called her parents in Toronto over the weekend, as we do every day to check in on them, we discovered that there had been a serious medical emergency. Of course, had we not called they would not have told us, because “We didn’t want to upset Shauna.” Shauna is not well enough to travel and I can’t leave her alone right now. Nevertheless I or both of us may be forced to go down soon, if the situation does not improve. We managed to arrange for an ambulance, and some assistance for my mother-in-law from some wonderful out-of-town cousins, and now my father-in-law is in the hospital receiving (we hope) proper medical care. He would still be at home had we not called!

Once again it starts, and my biggest concern is their almost complete lack of common sense about their health care and safety. The same thing happened with my parents; one minute they seemed to be doing all right and almost overnight, all common sense went out the window and everything changed. Once again comes the stubborn refusal to listen to reason, once again comes the remote lobbying for necessary healthcare, the negotiations, the worry and tough decisions about “the right thing to do.” Albeit in their late 80’s two competent adults living in their own home cannot be compelled to do anything against their wishes, and the process of negotiating and arguing is both exhausting and frustrating.

Final whine before I sign off on this abbreviated report ….

Now that it is officially December and the countdown has begun until joy comes raining down on all of mankind like little packets of 100 dollar bills (for one day), it is time once again that I, the anti-Santa, remind my readers, with my usual self-righteous bluster and indignation, that goodwill is not seasonal. Be thankful if your family is safe and healthy, and try not to have a conniption fit if the reindeer cookies get burned or because Walmart sells out of Crack Whore Barbies.

Hope to be back next week …


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