Monday, April 13, 2020

The Oppenheimer Report 4/13/20

My morning ritual used to be to wake up, have a shot of apple cider vinegar, then toast the day with my version of the Serenity Prayer. While I still do that, I’ve added another line: try to do more good than harm. During these complicated, confusing times, my at-risk family and I are self-isolating as directed. I am the designated shopper, and only go out (nervously) to pick up prescriptions and food. I try to limit those trips to once every two weeks. It was weird going to the supermarket the other day, armed with hand sanitizer, and wearing gloves, eyewear, a mask, and a rain poncho over my winter coat. Fashion be damned! With so little good information about exactly how contagious this deadly virus is, I try to be as vigilant as possible. That said, some others are not.  In the past month I have personally observed the best and worst of human behavior. While some selfless souls go above and beyond normal altruism to help those in need, there are always those who follow to the “me first” strategy.  No matter how much we have it drummed into our heads – and I’m sure my readers are as tired as I am of hearing the warnings and advice from public spokespeople - there will always be some who just don’t get it.

Before we moved up here full time in 2007, we were summer residents. We were the “citiots” as some locals sarcastically referred to us. We were lumped in among the “intruders” who in some cases bring with them their arrogance, disrespect, and big city attitude. In the past 13 years, I think we have gradually become accepted as locals. We are now in the strange position of having experienced local residency from both sides. In fact, many permanent residents of this community were at one time city folk who chose to re-locate to the country. There is a great deal of discussion (and rage) on social media these days about the summer residents coming up here from Toronto. Some are fearful and angry that these part-time residents are going to tax our local resources and services, or worse, exacerbate community spread. I admit, I am concerned about that as well. Stories are circulating about part-time residents, coming up from the cities, packing shopping carts full of food at the local grocery stores preparing for large, unsanctioned Easter gatherings. Here’s my 2 cents worth.

Rude, selfish, boorish behavior is omnipresent in our world today, even up here in bucolic cottage country. Rump, The Imbecilic Orange Emperor, has by proxy given people everywhere a green light to be the worst they can be.  Bad behavior transcends generalizations like local, or summer resident, Black, Red, White, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Bi, Gay, Straight, Leafs fan, Senators fan, etc. We have become so tribal, so fragmented, so intolerant, that it is no wonder we are adopting the not-in-my-backyard mentality. I get it, people are afraid. I’m afraid. This is the greatest threat I have ever seen to our future as a species. I am angry about everyone who is defying common sense dictates, breaking the rules with risky behavior. Let’s be realistic, we are all of us, at some point or another guilty of senseless, selfish behavior. My biggest concern is that so many of us cannot see the big picture. Asymptomatic carriers do not know they are threatening many others’ lives. If we don’t all learn to be a little less self-absorbed, myself included, we will perish. Be it climate change, or an opportunistic virus, or the poisoning of our water and food supplies, or some other ecological crime against humanity; this is EVERYONE’S problem. If we hoard, if we are careless about distancing, about our hygiene, then we not only condemn the people we don’t know (many entrusted with our well-being), but we also condemn the people we love.

I don’t pretend to have the answers to any of this this. I have my unsolicited opinions, which I post in this report.  This is all so complicated, and the rules change every day. We were trapped in a hurricane of divisiveness and hatred before this pandemic exploded. Now, many of us, from all walks of life, are fearing for our lives. My wildly optimistic hope is that we catch the cosmic “Hail Mary” pass, that we heed this warning that we are not immune to the laws of nature. Most of all, I hope we come through this crisis a little more apprised of our connection to and responsibility for each other. Call it a universal quid pro quo. We may not like each other, but like family, we’re stuck with each other. Wise up, stay at home if possible, and listen to the health experts. As I now say to myself every morning, try to do more good than harm.

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer  ©2020  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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