Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Oppenheimer Report 10/21/19

I don’t suppose that it is any coincidence that today is election day in Canada, and ALSO Reptile Awareness Day. Although I am not eligible to vote in Canadian elections, I’m interested in the fact that this election is so close and so contentious. Add social media into the equation and there is plenty of room for misrepresentation. Accusations abound among the parties and the negative campaigning in Canadian politics is beginning to look a lot like what happens south of the border. I suspect that someday soon some tech giant will offer a portable lie detector that immediately detects BS.  With four parties vying for power in Canada, and much being made about choosing the lesser of two evils (which is, by the way how Americans ended up electing Donald Trump), there may be something to be said for voting with the intention of thwarting the Liberal or PC parties from achieving a majority government. Reptile Awareness Day, how appropriate.

One of my responsibilities at Hunters Bay Radio is to produce the Martini Music show which airs on Sunday nights from 6pm to 8pm. While I am not unbiased on the matter, I find it notable that my almost 95-year-old mother-in-law “E.T.” hosts the show, and that she is very likely one of the oldest radio hosts, if not the oldest radio host currently active, on the planet. When Shauna and I began to volunteer for the station in 2014, the late James Carroll was producing the Martini Music show. He enjoyed that genre of music and was something of an authority on the subject. Shauna and I soon became friends with James and we (mostly Shauna) used to have long discussions with him about the jazz, crooner, and swing music which made up his Martini Music show. When James learned that Shauna and her parents had been good friends with the late Vic Damone, he was impressed. Then he found out that Shauna and her mom had written a song recorded by Vic, and that they had met and become friends with several other well-known celebrities, he was eager to meet E.T. They spoke on the phone several times which led to their eventual meeting at the studio. When they finally met, James told E.T. he wanted her to “carry the torch” and become the new host of Martini Music. After all, who could better host a show like that than a person born in 1925, who grew up listening to that music as a young woman. James passed away soon thereafter.

While I admit Martini Music was not my favorite genre of music growing up, of late, I have come to appreciate it. Like so many genres of music that I once eschewed, I now have a greater respect for the older swing and jazz music, thanks to E.T.’s great selection of songs. Indeed, it’s been quite an education. As a songwriter I have long admired many of the composers and songwriters covered in her shows, including greats like Cole Porter, Rogers and Hammerstein, Sammy Cahn, Johnny Mercer, the Gershwin brothers, Jerome Kern, etc.. I’ve even been inspired to write a few songs in that retro style. In so many ways I have become myopic in my advancing years, but the exception is where music is concerned. This is the one area wherein I have become more open-minded.

Happy Reptile Awareness Day. Bat Week begins this Thursday, if I am not mistaken. I hope all of you eligible Canadian voters have cast your ballots. Freedom comes with responsibility.   

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer ©2019

Jamie Oppenheimer, Songwriter, Author, Blogger, Radio Producer, & Host has been writing THE OPPENHEIMER REPORT every MONDAY since 1992 and has published the articles on his blog since 2006. We are including Jamie's weekly reports, as a feature of #HuntersBayRadio, The Bay 88.7FM.

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