Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Oppenheimer Report - Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas to my twelve loyal readers! I did not feel the frenzied consumerism this year that I have felt in years past. That’s, a good thing, right? Christmas should be about family, and reunions, and selfless good deeds, and wretched excess followed by both hands on the “porcelain bus.” Funny, because last week, I posted a report from the distant past, wherein I decried the rise of materialism, and the uselessness of items like the Ronco food dehydrator. Twenty-one years later, not only do I own a food dehydrator, but I use it frequently. I draw the line at salad shooters though. Remember those things? And what ever happened to the “Flow-Bee”, those suck-n-cut vacuum hair cutters?

Last night, as is my Christmas tradition, I watched “It’s A Wonderful Life” for about the two hundredth time. I cry every time I see that movie, and every year I notice something new. My sister bought me a book about the filming of the movie, which I read with some interest and then proceeded to forget. It’s full of interesting facts about the cast and interesting anecdotes about production. For instance, H.B. Warner, the man who played Mr. Gower, got a bit tipsy to be “in character” for scene wherein he’s supposed to be drunk. Now that’s devotion to your art. Anyhow, tonight I was watching the movie, and somewhere near the end of George Bailey’s nightmarish epiphany, wherein he discovers what the world would have been like had he never been born, there is a scene that always makes me chuckle. George runs out of the bar after he confronts and terrifies the “old maid” Donna Reed, and Burt the cop starts shooting rather recklessly at him as he runs desperately down the street. Burt just shoots away, completely disregarding public safety, and people are ducking because they’re in the line of fire! Talk about bad police work; thank goodness there were no cell phones back then. So much of that film is probably considered offensive by today’s standards. The portrayal of the lovable Bailey family cook Annie is overtly racist. Alcoholism is, at least in Uncle Billy’s case, considered amusing and acceptable behavior. Talk about your Irish stereotype.

Every year around the holidays, there are photos and videos of houses lit up for the seasons, and every year the displays seem to get more elaborate. I heard a story on the news about one guy who was forced to shut his light show down because the controller which coordinated the lights and music was somehow interfering with air traffic controllers. Some of those LED displays are quite spectacular. Christmas lights are my favorite part of the season.

As we approach the New Year, of course the year-in-review shows have begun. Last Sunday, CNN’s Farred Zakaria featured “experts” debating the pros and cons of 2018. Are we headed for Armageddon, or is this The Golden Age? Right now, thanks in part to the Orange Emperor’s irresponsible use of social media, the stock market is tanking, the Federal Government has shut down, Defense Secretary General James Mattis, arguably the last adult in the room, has quit over differences with the bellicose Commander-In-Tweet, and natural disasters abound, the latest being a volcano-precipitated tsunami (who knew that was a thing?) that wiped out hundreds in Indonesia. In general, the world seems to be coming unhinged. Santa, if you’re listening, I have the same request as last year (and every year before that): peace on earth, a lot less hatred, and a little more love. Oh, yes, and could someone point me toward the truth? One last request: a fistful of itching powder sprinkled into Rump’s briefs just before his next self-serving public rally. To all my loyal readers, I hope you have a Merry Christmas today, and many more happy healthy ones to come. 

Ho,Ho,Ho! and don’t be one!

- Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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