Monday, January 08, 2018

The Oppenheimer Report 1/8/18

We watched the Golden Globes last night, because every year I like to know which movies I want to see, in three years, when they air on HBO. Host Seth Meyers was quick to seize on the “Me Too” movement, and there were a lot of jokes about Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and sexual misconduct in general. Certainly, this was a forum for females in the Hollywood fishbowl to speak out against the abuse of power in a male-dominated industry. I’m happy about the seemingly seismic shift in Hollywood, and I hope it spreads like wildfire to the rest of the world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every job was filled by the person who was simply qualified to do it? In some karmic cosmic parallel universe, Oprah would be President of The United States and the current Commander-In-Tweets would be working the window at McDonalds. Speaking of Rump …

My button’s bigger and it works! Wow, looks like it’s official; about half of America elected a grown man to lead the free world, who has the emotional maturity of a 5-year-old. When I hear Rump spokespersons defending his overtly childish behavior, it astounds me. I am deeply concerned, as I’m sure many of my readers are, that this egotistical putz will soon spark a nuclear war. The big news this week is that “reporter” Michael Wolff's  hatchet job book entitled “Fire and Fury” has been released, proclaiming Donald Trump to be a colossal moron. White House aids have apparently gone on record to state that The Donald is a few spices short of a goulash; an impetuous, childish idiot. Regardless of the veracity of the allegations – and Wolff must have known he was going to be a lightning rod to libel charges - the saddest part about this book is Rump’s reaction. He publicly denied that he is a moron, which is bad enough, but then he made a quantum leap and declared himself a genius. To me this makes him look even more like a moron. I take everything out of Rump’s mouth (or fingertips) with a pound of salt, but he’d have been much wiser to discredit the book’s facts. Forget Obama’s birth certificate, I think it’s time we had a little conversation with Donald’s teachers. Start with the third grade. I realize that the press is in an all-out war with the White House, and I’m no champion of biased media. The truth lies somewhere deep in the miasma of spin and innuendo. The fact is, Rump says stupid, untrue things every day, and he has finally succeeded in eradicating whatever dangling particle of hope I had that the man really does in fact have both oars in the water. I gave him a year before throwing in the towel, presuming that the swamp creatures would be gunning for the underdog, and that all his shenanigans were just a clever ruse. Rump may be draining the swamp, but he’s filled it with raw sewage. I feel genuinely unsafe, and evermore astounded by the damage this bozo has done to America. Dust off the 25th Amendment! Meanwhile the stock market is climbing to record highs. What is wrong with this picture?!

The other day I heard someone say that 2017 was the year everyone became offended by everything. We may have pegged the meter on the politically correct side of the scale, but let’s face it, there was plenty about which to be offended in 2017. I shook my head in disgust the other day as I watched the 11 O’clock News. There was a story about some internet blogger who got into trouble with his fans over an insensitive video post. I shrugged off another story about a wannabe celebrity, until I heard that this guy makes millions of dollars from sponsors who are drawn in by his legion of followers. He performs stupid stunts, like faking his suicide through an apartment building window, stunts you’d expect to see on one of those Jackass movies; and he has a lot of followers. So, the kid with the stupid grin, who wears his baseball cap backwards, is making millions video recording himself skateboarding into a brick wall, and posting it on YouTube. He now lives in a house worth $6.5 Million and is making more money than the average heart surgeon. What a wonderful message we are sending to the next generation. Hard work and public service are to be eschewed in favor of stupid, sometimes desperate attempts to attain celebrity, and to exhibit over-the-top bad behavior. And we wonder how we ended up with squirrel head!

As we welcome the new year, hoping that Baby 2018 grows up to be a better person than than Baby 2017 (who never grew up) I repeat a quote from my favorite cartoon possum (no, not Jeff Sessions), Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he is us!" 

I’ll be back next week, if the world has not been reduced to ash.

- Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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