Monday, September 18, 2017

The Oppenheimer Report 9/18/17

What an explosion of color we are beginning to see outside our front window! The leaves are turning, and the maples trees out front are just starting to show the bright yellows, reds, and oranges which should be more prominent later this week. After a summer of fall-like weather, we finally got a beautiful week of sunny weather up here in Katrine, and I’ve been doing a lot of carpe diem-ing. I did some long delayed tree pruning, then ended the day drifting on Little Doe Lake, bathed in the peach pink sunset on the glass calm water, with E.T.’s Martini Music show playing softly in the background.

Indeed, the past year has flown by, and I cannot believe we’re already in the fourth quarter of 2017. They say life is what happens to us when we are making other plans. In my constant state of cluelessness, I walked into a dollar store in Huntsville the other day and was overwhelmed by sea of orange and black Halloween paraphernalia. I’m so out of touch that I keep track of my seasons by what holiday debris they’re selling at the dollar store. My sorry decoration, which adorns our front porch, is a scarecrow-like thing I fashioned out of some of my old clothing, stuffed with dead leaves, and featuring an orange plastic jack-o-lantern as the head (you guessed it, from the dollar store). Go ahead, hang up your variegated corn on the front door, or your fine mesh, hand-sewn ghosts and goblins, or your ghouls, witches, and skeletons. You can go to whatever creative lengths you choose to advertise your Halloween enthusiasm, but for me, nothing is as creepy and disturbing as a grotesquely deformed scarecrow, topped with an orange, plastic, dollar store jack-o-lantern. 

Very early last Thursday morning, as I drove and Shauna slept, we headed home from her most recent MRI in Toronto, and I turned on 640 AM to listen to some talk radio. I was rewarded with an episode of George Noory’s Coast to Coast show. Coast To Coast  used to be hosted by the inimitable Art Bell (and I understand still is, on occasion). Bell has a great radio voice, and he used to broadcast this very popular radio show out of his home in Pahrump, Nevada (not far from Area 57). Shauna and I used to listen to hours of Art Bell in the car, on our way out to or back from Banff, and we found his shows entertaining. There’s nothing like a good radio show to make a long drive go by faster. Much of the subject matter on Coast To Coast involves conspiracy theories, UFO sitings, or so-called authorities on the paranormal, so you know there are going to be a few crackpots involved. Last Thursday morning, Noory had on a guy named Paul Guercio, who is a self-proclaimed forecaster of the future. Guercio has developed a computer software called “Merlin” which in some way facilitates predictions of future events. A lot of these guys are End of Days prophets of doom, and Guercio was certainly vociferous about the political changes taking place in the world. As I drove through the moonless darkness of Orillia at 2AM,  I wondered if every generation has had its Chicken Little prophets. Admittedly, things  look bad right now. Trump and Kim Jung make-me-ill are vying for the “infantile bully of the sandbox” award, and we live in the age of too-much-information, constantly reminded that we will all be S.O.L. when the planet heats up a few more degrees. Still, has not every generation since the dawn of man had its tribulations? I’ll wager things looked even more dismal to the victims suffering under Hitler’s insanity.  

My friend and fellow songwriter Doug McLean had a CD release concert last weekend in Huntsville, joined by many other local musicians, and I was able to persuade Shauna to attend. It was a struggle for Shauna, but she was happy to have been out in public for the first time in a long time. We still have no answers about her ill health, but life goes on. As I said: Carpe Diem.     

 - Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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