Monday, March 02, 2015

The Oppenheimer Report 3/2/15

Last Friday night, while attending the monthly Burk’s Falls open mic, I got to talking with Jeff Carter, the head honcho over at Hunter’s Bay Radio. He asked me if I would like to host a radio show and, without thinking twice, I said yes. I can’t even blame this ill-considered decision on too much beer anymore. Thursday nights from 8-11pm I will be hosting a music show on HBR, broadcast locally at 88.7 on the FM dial and also on the internet. I have no idea what it will be about yet, but as Jeff and I were talking about all the recordings I have made of local performers, we both thought it might be interesting to incorporate these into the show. As well, I want to in some way explore the art of songwriting, perhaps by airing some of my favorite songs, and occasionally putting in my two cents worth, while avoiding most of the big hits. I need to brush up on my Canadian song writers, as I will need to comply with Canadian content broadcast rules. I am petrified of doing something which is entirely out of my wheelhouse, but this is all part of my master plan to scare myself, and to become a better song writer. I will learn a lot about other artists in the process of airing this show, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity. When I was an arrogant music snob in my 30s, I thought I knew a lot about music. In truth I know next to nothing, especially when compared to some of the radio hosts at HBR, and other artists in the area. Time to up my game!

Probably best known for his role as Mr. Spock in the TV show Star Trek, actor Leonard Nimoy died last week at the age of 83. Hard to believe that show was only on for three seasons, because it has aired long since in syndication. While I never became a bona fide Trekkie, or dressed up like a Vulcan, or learned to speak Vulcan, or wore the pointy ears to attend conventions, I did like that show a lot. I find it amusing that Nimoy wrote a book in 1977 entitled “I Am Not Spock,” and then another one in 1995, entitled “I Am Spock.” Are you or aren’t you? I just read an article describing some of the events in his long and fruitful career as an entertainer. Obviously, that first book was written to remind his fans that he was a multi-talented person, and not just the character he played in one show. It must be strange to be so widely recognized for one role. Perhaps it’s a little like being a one hit wonder in the music business. Name one other hit song by Iron Butterfly, besides In A Gadda Da Vida. I did not know that, on top of being an actor, Nimoy was also a noted and published poet, as well as photographer. I also did I know he had written one of and directed several of the Star Trek movies, and was the director of the movie Three Men and a Baby. There was one other fun fact that I learned the other day. Nimoy came from a family of Ukranian immigrants who were also orthodox Jews. The now famous Vulcan split finger salute was Nimoy’s idea, and was derived from a Jewish blessing, a hand gesture representing the Jewish letter shin. Who knew?

Technically, Spring is right around the corner, but I’m not really feeling it just yet. Looking out over the lake this morning I see another band of snow blowing in, and I’m still trudging out to the propane tank twice a week to monitor the usage. The roof rake is still on active duty, and I know it’s been a cold winter when I take Jasper out for her morning bowel evacuation, and it feels appreciably warmer because the mercury has shot up to 15 Degrees F. Ugh! One of my Buffalo friends posted a video to his Facebook page which made me laugh. You will find it on my FB page if you have embraced the great Satan of social media (I still don’t Tweet. Yet). What you see when you click on it is a guy, somewhere in the Maritimes, sitting on top of a mountain of snow which almost completely buries a huge excavator. It is a music spoof of some Christmas song and it includes a lot of swear words to describe what most people feel about this harsh winter.

I understand Shatner is Jewish too. Maybe they should have named the show Star Schlep.

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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