Monday, July 21, 2014

The Oppenheimer Report 7/21/14

Johnny Winter with Jimi Hendrix
I suppose I have buried my head in the sand this summer, anesthetized by my own good fortune, and have for the most part tried to ignore the troubling reminders throughout the world that history does indeed repeat itself. No matter how you slice it, the last week was a bad one for world peace. The two biggest stories, sandwiched in between the latest exploits of Toronto Mayor Rob “Bluto” Ford and whatever grizzly murder or celebrity mishap occurred in North America, were two stories that dominated the headlines. First there was the news that Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 had been shot down over Eastern Ukraine, killing all passengers aboard. The graphic coverage of this tragedy left little to the imagination. If I can believe the news reports, and the “intelligence” therein, this was likely the act of pro-Russian separatists. Whether or not Putin is behind this latest act of aggression, the spin is not good, and lines have been drawn. Goodbye Gorbachev, hello Stalin. I thought to myself, how could there be another horrible, and irreconcilable air disaster involving Malaysian Airlines, within months of that mystery flight that disappeared in the Indian Ocean? I am reminded of the events that spark world wars, and what concerns me is the potential finality of the next one. The second story involves the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. No matter which side you take in this conflict, all you haters of Israel should remember that Hamas refuses to accept the State of Israel, and in trying desperately to spin this conflict their way, Hamas has hijacked its countrymen, using innocent women and children as their pawns to sway public opinion. In my opinion, that is disgusting. If there was ever anything noble or clear about armed conflict, it has long since dissolved. “Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.”  There are no white hats and black hats these days; all the hats are grey.

In the They’re-dropping-like-flies department, veteran actor James Garner passed away last week at the age of 86. I remember first watching him on the T.V. Western Maverick when I was a little boy. I don’t think I was the right demographic for The Rockford Files. I think my mom liked that show. Same demographic as Murder That Bitch. Garner had a lot of great roles and I thought he was a good actor. The second notable death: Texas blues rock legend Johnny Winter passed away in Switzerland last week, at the age of 70. I’m surprised he made it as far as he did. I could kick myself because I passed on an opportunity to see him play up here in the Muskokas last year. I saw Johnny play about forty years ago at a venue in Springfield, Mass. and he rocked the house. The James Gang, without Joe Walsh, was the backup band, and they were booed off the stage before their set was over. Johnny had some miles on him before he died, but boy could he play the slide guitar. One of my all-time favorite “go-to” songs when I want to rock out is Johnny’s live version of Jumpin’ Jack Flash (Johnny Winter And album?)

Final notes. Shauna and I were fortunate enough to get front row seats to see Colin James perform an acoustic set at the Algonquin Theatre in Huntsville last Thursday night. Accompanying him was Chris Caddell, an excellent Toronto based singer songwriter, whose music reminded me of some of my favorite country rock acts of the 70s and 80s. Last week, my first Tree Ring Tuesday came and went and I performed to the best of my ability at Dee’s Bistro in Burk’s Falls. No spoiled fruit or debris of any sort was thrown, so I suppose this on its own was a success of sorts. Huntsville singer songwriter James Jones, of the duo Big East, was my partner in this particular showcase. I enjoyed meeting him and listening to his excellent voice and his original songs. Tomorrow it’s Bracebridge at the Fine Thymes Bistro with fellow songwriter Scott Gilson. Wish us luck, and come out to see us (8-10PM) if you find yourself in the area!

Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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