Monday, March 28, 2016

The Oppenheimer Report 3/28/16

Who knew the Easter Bunny was related to Krampus?
First of all, let me wish all my Christian friends a belated Happy Easter. I used to enjoy decorating the eggs, and of course, I loved Easter egg hunts. Every year, I reprise the story about my Mom hiding thirteen hard-boiled eggs around our house in Buffalo on Easter. We only found twelve, and Mom did not remember where she hid the thirteenth. It turned out she hid it in a table lamp, which we found out several months later, after it began to smell like a decomposing animal. That was the last of our Easter egg hunts. The other day, I was checking some online news source and read a story about some guy in the Philippines who had himself nailed to a cross, and he has done this annually for the past 30 years. What the hell! I thought Easter was about bunnies and chocolate. Asked what the experience meant to him, his answer was that it hurt. No shit, Sherlock. I thought self-flagellation was a little over the top, but now there is a new benchmark for crazy Easter antics.

Former Toronto mayor Rob Ford died last week after an 18 month battle with cancer. Clearly, Ford was a controversial mayor, and his out of control behavior and his admissions of substance abuse made him the laughing stock of the world. Before the omnipresence of cell phones, video cameras, and YouTube, this kind of behavior was easier to conceal, but these days, public figures have to be more careful. One night on CTV News, I remember watching Ford, captured on a security camera, drunk and urinating in a public place. His life unraveled for the world to see, and it wasn’t pretty. Ford was like the car accident everyone slows down to see, and I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him and his family. Of course there has been plenty of internet nastiness, kicking the man after he was gone, and he did prove to be an embarrassment for the City of Toronto near the end. Still, I wonder how history will treat him. For all his faults, he wasn’t all bad, and did represent the little guy.

Someone posted a YouTube video that I watched yesterday, and it suggests that there is a conspiracy by the big drug companies to block efforts to find a cure for cancer. While I take the information in the video with a grain of salt, it got me thinking. It is interesting that so much money is pumped into cancer research with so little to show for it. Yes, there are success stories but it seems as if the incidence of cancer is on the rise. Whether it is increased microwave transmissions, or the preponderance of unhealthful food we eat, or the water we drink; something is feeding this disease. If the business of treating cancer with radiation and chemicals is worth trillions, what if someone came up with a cheap and effective cure for cancer? Would drug companies embrace it, even if they stood to lose trillions of dollars in profit? Every day, I hear or read some new theory about a diet or holistic remedy that may be more effective in the treatment of certain kinds of cancer. One remedy, which suggests that changing the PH balance in the body is effective, calls for sufferers to swallow two tablespoons of lemon juice, mixed with baking soda. This concoction may kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells in tact. If natural remedies might work, why is there NOT more research targeting these potentially life-saving therapies? In the video, it was suggested that a promising new, low cost drug developed in Canada was not approved for testing, because there was no profit to be made from its distribution. If it turns out that any of this is true, it is pretty disturbing news. First, I learn that I cannot trust my leaders, which was a huge shock to me, and now the medical community is suspect. Next thing you know, I won’t be able to trust reality television!

Isis claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing attacks in Brussels last week, as well as an attack at a soccer match in Iraq. A branch of the Taliban is claiming responsibility for the Easter Sunday attack in Pakistan. It’s a strange world we live in, and between the media and the religious fanatics, and all the nutballs running for President, I’m getting a little stressed out. I penned a new song a few weeks ago, entitled One to Ten and the following is one verse and the chorus from that song:

One To Ten

Jihadi John in the desert

About to take his pick

Dress those boys up like janitors

Send 'em to the River Styx


I don’t know I can’t say

I wonder to which God does this man pray

And I can’t tell my enemies from friends

I can’t seem to calm down counting from one to ten.


I’ve got to stop watching “the news”.


Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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