Monday, December 18, 2017

The Oppenheimer Report 12/18/17

Happy Hanukkah!
Shauna and I have decided the time has finally come to invest in an alternative (supplemental) source of energy. Ontario Hydro has become ridiculously expensive and, regardless of the exact payback period for this solar upgrade, or our substantial upfront costs, we are confident that this expense will be justified. To that end, we have employed a local solar company to install several solar panels on our property, along with two Tesla storage batteries. As hydro rates continue to climb, this solar upgrade will likely become an increasingly wise decision. Solar panels have come down substantially in price since we built our house, and battery technology continues to improve. I foresee the day in the not-too-distant future, when rural communities such as ours will heavily rely on alternative sources of energy. Right now, solar seems to make the most sense. Our Hydro goes out at least once every few months, leaving us to rely on our propane generator. It will be a reassuring to have a renewable (and reliable) source of energy to supplement our electrical needs. The less we must rely on utility monopolies and poorly managed Provincial governments the better.

Ding dong the witch is dead! That evil, child-molesting Roy Moore did not win the nod for Alabama senator. Instead, Alabama voters chose to elect Democratic candidate Doug Jones in a thrilling come-from-behind victory. This marks the first major win for Alabama Democrats in decades. You’ve got to be pretty darned bad to lose the Republican nod in Alabama! I think Moore’s endorsement by bigoted, Breitbart blowhard Steve Bannon, along with the backing of Bannon’s petulant puppet, Baby Rump, were the two final nails in the coffin for Alabama voters. Well, that, and the growing list of female accusers Moore allegedly molested, including a fourteen-year-old girl, when he was in his thirties. Sexual misconduct in politics? I’m shocked. The Belt Line Republicans who wanted to distance themselves from the publicly vilified Moore, are no doubt breathing a sigh of relief that this Trump-like nut ball did not make the cut. Now they have breathing room to find a more suitable (homophobic, bible-thumping, gun-slinging, not-so-glaringly-racist) candidate for the next six-year term. This political upset may, as some pundits eagerly suggest, signal the beginning of the end for the “Orange Emperor”, but not so fast America. Jones is just filling in for the balance of U.S. Attorney General Jeff “Possum Man” Sessions’ term, and is up for re-election again in November of 2018. Still, there's a glimmer of hope. This defeat, coupled with Rump’s plummeting approval ratings, are a shot across the bow for the elephants. Weeks ago, Jones was trailing Moore by double digits, but never underestimate the power of an effective “I’m-not-the-other-guy” campaign. So, Squirrel Head, it’s time to rein in your lunacy; otherwise, the fickle and disgruntled American electorate, who were fooled by your bullshit once, will can your ass like yesterday’s Apprentice. While I am astounded by the incompetence of this man to lead a country, his election just proves to me how out of touch Washington has been with mainstream America. People don’t vote for candidates anymore, they vote against the candidate they hate the most. Lots of anger and hatred out there.

There was a post on Facebook the other day that made me chuckle. It was a post by G-d, lampooning the present administration’s propensity to foment hatred and division around the world. It depicted a nativity scene with all the “Jews, Arabs, Africans, and immigrants” removed. What remains are “a bunch of sheep, led by a jackass.” I didn't even know G-d had a Facebook page!

Finally, and to end this report on a happy note: by the end of this week, Hunters Bay Radio, in cooperation with four other local area businesses, will have delivered 1000 turkey dinners to area food banks during their “Food Crew” drive. That is just one reason we love our community radio! 

Season’s Beatings!

- Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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