Monday, April 28, 2014

The Oppenheimer Report 4/28/14

I always find something about which to chuckle when I open up my Facebook page, and last week, shortly after Easter, it was a black and white photo someone posted of the Easter Bunny holding  two crying children. In much the same way as Santa is frightening to some kids, an adult male wearing a rather realistic and disturbing rabbit’s head and rabbit feet mittens might be terrifying to some little kids. These children probably thought this giant rabbit was Godzilla. I reposted the photo with a note underneath which read: “The Anti-Bunny.” I suspect this will generate some controversy. Perhaps I should start a new tradition in my faith. What do you think of Morty the flesh-eating Chanukah zombie?  Hey, Google Krampus sometime, if you think I’m the only one creating weird holiday mascots.

Had a productive meeting last Monday with a local musician named Juan Barbosa, arguably one of the more talented singer/songwriters in these parts, and I will hopefully be hiring him to record several of my songs. We spent a couple of  hours talking about our respective tastes, referring occasionally to YouTube videos for reference, and I think we are on the same page as to what I hope to achieve. I might be one of the few songwriters out there who does not really want to go out and perform his songs. If Juan can translate some of my rough demos into polished songs, I will have accomplished what I hope to achieve. I simply want to give some of these songs life. I recently finished three demos with Dave Housser at nearby Bay Lake Studio, and while Dave did what he was supposed to do, I came to the realization that it’s time to let professionals take over on the performing side. It’s a learning process. I still want to use my fingernails-on-a-blackboard vocals on at least some of the tracks, but I’ll probably leave most of the music to professionals. I also hope to get my buddy Bobby Cameron back east from Edmonton to record some of my songs this spring/summer. Between Juan, Bobby and perhaps Sean Cotton and some other artists, maybe I can have an album of songs finished by summer’s end. I’m very excited about this project and it has inspired me to go back and finish some songs I tabled a decade ago. All of those songs are constantly rattling around in my head, and occasionally the missing lyric will come to me in the car, or the shower, or at 3AM. I have learned to get the words down on paper or on a tape recorder before they disappear.

Final notes…As I do on a semi-regular basis, I take a look at various news sources to see what’s going on in the world, and this week was a reminder of how much does not make headlines. Never have I been more confused about the information I glean from the internet, and new sources, especially concerning Russia and Syria. As an example, it has been reported that Right Sector gangster groups attacked Ukrainian soldiers in Slavyansk last week, but more and more it looks as if it was pro-Russian Putin thugs trying to make a case for Russia to step in and “restore order.” The Assad regime in Syria is again accused of using chemical weapons against its people. It is difficult to confirm some of these reports because it is so dangerous for reporters to cover these regions. What else. Two months before the World Cup finals are scheduled to begin in Brazil, there were riots in the streets of Rio, sparked by alleged police brutality. Not great press leading up to a world event. A bomb ripped through a Shiite political rally in Bagdad last Friday reportedly killing 28, and someone caught it on video. While I take most of what I find on the internet with a grain of salt, some of this video is undeniably compelling. Short of outlawing all cell phones and computers, I doubt that bad governments can put a lid on this information. The trick is sifting through the spin. Every so often, I take stock of my good fortune and remember to be thankful for my freedom. Sometimes I can’t help feeling the wolf is at the door.

Or is it just the Easter Bunny? - Written by Jamie Oppenheimer c2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Unknown said...

How about Festivus?

Unknown said...

Maybe a festivus weasel? a badger?